Senior Resource Fair Application

senior resource fair
Antioch Senior Center
415 W. 2nd St.
Antioch, CA 94509
(925) 778-1158

Please join the Antioch Senior Center on Friday, September 15 from 11:00am-1:30pm for our Senior Resource Fair. In the past this event has drawn anywhere from 250 to 350 people of all ages who seek information, services, and resources that pertain to the overall health and well-being of the aging community.

The Resource Fair will be held in the parking lot of the Antioch Senior Center on the corner of 2nd Street & E Street. Due to limited space, a submitted application does not guarantee your participation in the event. Organizations will be chosen based on space availability and the service/resource type to ensure that we are able to provide a variety of resources to the community.

The participation fee for For-Profit Organizations is $50 and for Non-Profit Organizations it is $25. Only cash or check payments will be accepted.

To reserve a spot for this event, please complete the application and contract on the page 3. Completed applications and payment can be mailed or dropped off at the Antioch Senior Center located at 415 W. 2nd Street, Antioch. You may also scan and e-mail your completed application to Jun Gandia at

Applications must be submitted by 4:00pm on Friday, August 18, 2023. Submitted applications do not guarantee your organization’s participation in this event. You will be notified by 5:00pm on Friday, September 1 to confirm your organization’s participation in the event. If your organization is not selected to participate in this event, your payment will be returned to you.

About the Event
The City of Antioch Senior Center is hosting our Senior Resource Fair on Friday, September 17 at 11:00am to 1:30pm. The event will be held in the Antioch Senior Center parking lot on the corner of 2nd Street & E Street.
Participation Fees
For-Profit Organizations: $50 
Non-Profit Organizations: $25  
Application Procedure
To apply for a space, please fill out the last page of this application form and have it scanned and e-mailed, dropped-off or mailed along with your payment to the Antioch Senior Center no later than 4:00pm on Friday, August 21, 2023. Space is limited and applications and space allotments are not guaranteed until confirmed by the event coordinator. Late applications will be considered only if space is available.
Forms must be returned to:
Antioch Senior Center
415 W. 2nd Street
Antioch, CA 94509
Attn: Jun Gandia
Assignment of Space
Spaces may not be re-assigned, sold, traded, or shared without previous arrangement. You may not take up any spot other than the one you are assigned.
Selling & Setup Information
Organizations must arrive by 10:00am to setup their space. Organizations must be setup and ready for business at or before 11:00am.
This event is strictly for informational purposes only. Sales of any products and/or services is strictly prohibited.
Supplies & Clean-up
The City of Antioch will provide each organization with one 6-foot table and two chairs.
Each organization is responsible for providing any additional equipment, informational materials, giveaways/handouts, decorations, and representatives from their organization. Each organization is responsible for the condition of his/her space during and after the event. Cleanup of vendor space may not begin until the conclusion of the event, no earlier than 1:30pm.
The City of Antioch, Antioch Recreation Department, and any city employee/volunteer will not be held responsible for any depredation or loss of any kind, whether by fire, theft, physical violence, elements of nature or other causes, however originating.
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