Senior Center

Contra Costa (Café Costa) Senior Nutrition Program

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Café Costa is a lunch program for adults 50 years of age and older. Café Costa offers nutritionally balanced meals daily.  Café Costa promotes social interaction and companionship among seniors. There are no income restrictions. For some of our seniors, this is the only hot meal they receive per day. Hot nutritious lunches are served Monday-Friday at 11:30am until 12:30pm. Meals must be reserved by 11:15AM one business day prior to attending. Please call 925-779-7072 to reserve meals.

All meals served are low-sodium and low-fat. Suggested donation is $3.00 for 60+ and $6.00 for those under the age of 60.  No senior (60+) is denied a meal due to lack of lunch donation. Upon signing on for lunch, you receive a blue bus ticket – a free ride to and from the Antioch Senior Center. Here is this month’s menu in english or spanish and here is this month’s vegetarian menu in english or spanish.

If you or any other senior needs transportation assistance to and from grocery stores, doctor visits, or need companionship – please contact 925.779.7074.

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