Antioch Community Center
4703 Lone Tree Way
Antioch, CA 94531
(925) 776-3050
Business Hours:
8:30am to 5pm
Facility Hours:
8:30am to 5pm
Hours Vary on
Weekday Evenings
and Weekends
The City of Antioch Recreation Department is dedicated to offering quality programming and classes for residents. From introductory and intermediate classes to age-specific programming, our staff is dedicated to providing experiences that inspire lifelong learning for members of our community.
Details and descriptions for each of our programs and classes can be found in our seasonal recreation guide. Recreation guides are mailed to every resident household within Antioch’s city boundaries, and can be found at the Antioch Community Center and/or online.
Youth Programs
Antioch Recreation Youth Programs (A-Z)
Youth Classes
Antioch Recreation Youth Classes (A-Z)
Teen & Adult Classes
Antioch Recreation Teen & Adult Classes (A-Z)