Resources for Unsheltered Antioch Residents

  • resourcesWhether you are safe in your own home and want to help those who are homeless, or you are without shelter or are temporarily staying with family and friends trying to find affordable housing, following are resources that can help. Most of these services are provided with funding support from the City of Antioch, through the Housing Successor fund.

    There IS a plan to address homelessness in Contra Costa County and people working hard on solutions. The Council on Homelessness (COH) and Health, Housing and Homeless Services (H3) division of Contra Costa County Health Services is planning for recovery and new housing for those who are unsheltered and living on the brink of homelessness. YOU are invited to be part of the solution. If you would like to know more, click here:

The Basics


211 can be accessed by phone or computer. A toll-free call to 211 connects you to a community resource specialist in your area who can put you in touch with local organizations that provide critical services that can improve—and save—lives. 211 also connects you to the Contra Costa CORE Outreach Teams, who can assist unsheltered residents with services and connections to needed resources.

Cooling and Warming Centers

The Antioch Community Center and the Nick Rodriguez Community Centers are open from 12pm-6pm as cooling centers when temperatures reach over 102 degrees. In addition, they are open to the public during regular business hours.

Antioch Community Center: 4703 Lone Tree Way (directions)

Antioch Senior Center: 415 W. 2nd Street (directions)

Coordinated Outreach Referral, Engagement (CORE)Team

CORE teams serve as an entry point into Contra Costa’s coordinated entry system for unsheltered persons, engaging unsheltered persons on the street and in the encampments where they live, providing services and making referrals to housing and other services. To request services or if you have a concern regarding a homeless situation, please call the 211 line and ask for a response by the CORE team. Simply dial “211” from your home or cell phone.

Showers and Laundry

SHARE Community provides showers, clean clothes, hygiene supplies, and laundry vouchers for unhoused residents. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8am-1pm at the Community Outreach Center at 525 E. 18th Street, Antioch, CA (next to the Dairy Queen). Please arrive early as spots fill up quickly. Breakfast is also served on each service day. Healthcare for The Homeless’ medical services are available on Tuesdays.

Food Resources

Loaves and Fishes -Antioch

Loaves and Fishes provides meals Monday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. for all who need free nourishment. During the pandemic, the dining rooms remain closed but they are providing “to-go” meals and pre-filled bags with food pantry items. Please visit the Antioch Dining Room location at the American Legion Hall, 403 West 6th St.

Meals On Wheels Diablo Region

MOW delivers meals to seniors (60 years or older) who are homebound, no longer driving, unable to prepare food themselves, and do not have a caregiver that prepares meals. Meals are provided based on need, not on income. To sign up or learn more, call 925.937.8311, email, or click on link to the right.

Shelter Resources

Winter Nights Family Shelter

Winter Nights Family Shelter provides shelter, resources, and assistance to homeless families and individuals in Contra Costa County. We do this through our three programs: Family Shelter, Safe Parking Programs, and the Continued Success Program. The Family Shelter is available to adults with minor/dependent children. It is seasonal and is open from late September to June.  The Antioch Safe Parking Program will be open as of July 2023 and is available to serve singles, and families living in their vehicles. There is currently also a year-round program in Pittsburg.  We also have a Continue Success Program for former clients to offer them resources, encouragement, and support to help keep them housed.

For more information including intake procedures, please call 925-435-2074.  You may also email us at

STAND! Domestic Violence Shelter

STAND! has a safe 24-bed facility where women and children (up to age 18) can stay for up to 8 weeks. Clients participate in daily meetings and on-going case management with access to housing referrals, legal advocacy, vocational services and job readiness training, and ongoing workshops on a variety of topics, including budgeting and positive parenting skills. Transitional Housing is also available. Call 24-hour toll-free crisis line: 1-888-215-5555

County Homeless Shelters

Access to most shelters for men, women, and families is through the Coordinated Entry System. Since East Contra Costa County lacks a walk-in CARE Center, the best way to access shelter and other services is by calling 2-1-1 and speaking to a CORE Team member.

The Basics

2-1-1 211 can be accessed by phone or computer. A toll-free call to 211 connects you to a community resource specialist in your area who can put you in touch with local organizations that provide critical services that can improve—and save—lives.

211 also connects you to the Contra Costa CORE Outreach Teams, who can assist unsheltered residents with services and connections to needed resources.

Coordinated Outreach Referral, Engagement (CORE) Team CORE teams serve as an entry point into Contra Costa’s coordinated entry system for unsheltered persons, engaging unsheltered persons on the street and in the encampments where they live, providing services and making referrals to housing and other services.

To request services or if you have a concern regarding a homeless situation, please call the 211 line and ask for a response by the CORE team. Simply dial “211” from your home or cell phone.

Hygiene Stations In order to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and meet the hygiene needs of unhoused residents, four? portable bathrooms and hand washing stations have been installed throughout the City. The facilities are located at:

  • list location
Showers and Laundry

Mobile shower services are provided by the following nonprofit partners at the following locations and times:

  • Shower House Ministries – Saturdays at 9:00 a.m. at 425 Fulton Shipyard Rd. Antioch
  • SHARE Community – Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. at The Community Outreach Center, 525 E. 18th St, Antioch (right next to the Dairy Queen)

Food Resources

Loaves and Fishes -Antioch Loaves and Fishes provides meals Monday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. for all who need free nourishment. During the pandemic, the dining rooms remain closed but they are providing “to-go” meals and pre-filled bags with food pantry items. Please visit the Antioch Dining Room location at the American Legion Hall, 403 West 6th St.
Meals On Wheels Diablo Region MOW delivers meals to seniors (60 years or older) who are homebound, no longer driving, unable to prepare food themselves, and do not have a caregiver that prepares meals. Meals are provided based on need, not on income. To sign up or learn more, call 925.937.8311, email, or click on link to the right.

Low-income families and individuals can receive 15-20 pounds of FREE fresh produce twice a month. Choose ONE location and bring 2 bags with handles:

**Drive-thru distributions offer produce, perishable and non-perishable food.**

**Sites noted with a (+) offer non-perishable food in addition to fresh produce.**

  • (+) Antioch Health Center, 2335 Country Hills Dr, Antioch, 2nd & 4th Monday, 10:00-11:00am.
  • The Landing Place, 620 E. Tregallas Rd, Antioch, 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 12:00-1:00pm
  • Jubilee Christian Center, 11 Texas St, Antioch, 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 2:00-3:00pm
  • (Drive-Thru) Mission Elementary, 1711 Mission Dr, Antioch, 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 4:00-5:00pm
  • Antioch Kinder Care, 2300 Mahogany Way, Antioch 2nd & 4th Thursday, 4:00-5:00pm.
  • (Drive-Thru) CalFresh Office (EHSD), 4545 Delta Fair Blvd, Antioch, 1st & 3rd Friday, 11:00am-12:30pm.
  • St, Ignatius Antioch, 3351 Contra Loma Blvd, Antioch, 1st & 3rd Friday, 3:30-4:30pm
  • Holy Rosary, 1313 A St, Antioch, 1st & 3rd Friday, 1:30-2:30pm.
  • Antioch High School, 700 W. 18th St, Antioch, 2nd & 4th Saturday, 10:00-11:00am.
  • Carmen Dragon Elementary, 4721 Vista Grande Dr, Antioch, 2nd & 4th Saturday, 12:00-1:00pm.
  • Marsh Elementary, 2304 G St, Antioch, 2nd & 4th Saturday, 2:00-3:00pm.
  • West River Town Apartments, 811 W. 4th St, Antioch, 2nd & 4th Sunday, 2:30-3:30pm.


FREE groceries once a month for low-income individuals and families.  Bring a picture ID and proof of address (PG&E bill, for example).

  • American Legion Hall, 403 W. 6th St, Antioch, 1st Wednesday, 10:00am-12:00pm


FREE groceries twice a month to low-income individuals aged 55 or older.  Only one senior per household can receive food.  Bring a picture ID and proof of address (PG&E bill, for example).

  • Golden Hills Mission Outreach, 525 East 18th St, Antioch, 2nd & 4th Thursday, 11:00am-12:00pm.

Shelter Resources

Winter Nights Family Shelter Winter Nights Family Shelter serves families with children, providing shelter in a clean, save, and warm environment and assisting families toward self-sufficiency and into stable housing. All clients must be clean and sober, and adults must commit in writing for themselves and their family to comply with the behavioral standards of the facility as outlined in the Client Participation Guidelines.

Please call them at 925-435-2074 or

Email Bill: 

STAND! Domestic Violence Shelter STAND! has a safe 24-bed facility where women and children (up to age 18) can stay for up to 8 weeks. Clients participate in daily meetings and on-going case management with access to housing referrals, legal advocacy, vocational services and job readiness training, and ongoing workshops on a variety of topics, including budgeting and positive parenting skills. Transitional Housing is also available. Call 24-hour toll-free crisis line: 1-888-215-5555
County Homeless Shelters Access to most shelters for men, women, and families is through the Coordinated Entry System. Since East Contra Costa County lacks a walk-in CARE Center, the best way to access shelter and other services is by calling 2-1-1 and speaking to a CORE Team member.
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