The City of Antioch’s Construction and Demolition (C&D) Recycling Ordinance requires at a minimum a 65% diversion rate for Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials (by weight) away from landfills. It is the responsibility of the owners and/or builders of qualifying C&D projects to ensure that their projects meet the city requirements; this is done through a Waste Management Plan (WMP).
Here is a list of projects that qualify for a Waste Management Plan (WMP):
For the purposes of determining whether a project meets the foregoing thresholds, all phases of a project and all related projects taking place on a single or adjoining parcel, as determined by the WMP Compliance Official, shall be deemed a single project. For projects that do not require a Waste Management Plan (WMP), or “unqualified projects”, applicants and contractors are highly encouraged to divert as much project-related construction and demolition debris from the landfill as possible.
To find out more about recycling Construction & Demolition (C&D) debris in the State of California visit CalRecycle.
The City of Antioch’s Construction and Demolition (C&D) Recycling Ordinance requires at a minimum a 65% diversion rate for Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials (by weight) away from landfills. It is the responsibility of the owners and/or builders of qualifying C&D projects to ensure that their projects meet the city requirements; this is done through a Waste Management Plan (WMP).
Here is a list of projects that qualify for a Waste Management Plan (WMP):
For projects that do not require a Waste Management Plan (WMP), or “unqualified projects”, applicants and contractors are highly encouraged to divert as much project-related construction and demolition debris from the landfill as possible.
To find out more about recycling Construction & Demolition (C&D) debris in the State of California visit CalRecycle.
The Community Development Department has now integrated Waste Management Plans (WMPs) directly in with the online Permitting and Land Management System (Enterprise Permitting & Licensing – EPL). This benefits applicants and contractors by consolidating the management of permits, inspections, and WMPs into one online portal (Civic Access).
A separate application form is not required.
Steps for Applicants and Contractors:
While on the Job:
The purpose of Antioch’s C&D ordinance is to maintain compliance with State waste reduction legislation and the California Green Building Code. In addition, diverting waste from landfills to be recycled provides both economic and environmental benefits to your local community.
The C&D Recycling Ordinance applies to all of the following projects:
Construction & Demolition materials include lumber, drywall, metals, masonry (brick, concrete, etc.), carpet, plastic, pipe, rocks, dirt, paper, cardboard, and green waste related to land development. Identifying the material type of C&D debris that will be generated will help you stage the materials at the job-site and allow you to choose appropriate recycling facilities or service level needed before you start the job. For more information about C&D materials click HERE.
Estimating the quantity of C&D debris that will be generated will help you determine space requirements on the job-site and plan how frequently C&D debris will need to be removed.
Here is a list of Approved C&D Processing Facilities. Other facilities can be used, but diversion needs to be verified. For more information about on where to recycle specific C&D material, here is a list of reuse and recycling facilities based on material type.
If you are planning using dumpsters or roll off bins to collect your recyclables or garbage, you must contact Republic Services, as they are the only authorized hauler of waste for the City of Antioch. To set up recycling and garbage collection service or for more information click the link above or call Customer Service at (925) 685-4711.
Because Antioch has a C&D Recycling Ordinance that requires proof that at least 65 percent of job-site waste is either recycled, reused, or salvaged – here are specific instructions to ensure success in complying with the Ordinance while using Republic Services.
At the time of contract with Republic Services, here are essential things you need to do:
Once you receive them, forward them onto (Note: if Republic Services sends you a report or pie chart, be sure it is accurate and ALL the weight tickets accompany it.)
If you will be hauling your C&D debris to a salvage or recycling facility, make sure to call ahead to check hours of operation, disposal fees, and to confirm that the facility can receive and recycle your materials the required 65 percent (or greater) diversion rate. One that is determined whoever is hauling the waste materials needs to go to the area designated for C&D Recycling and ask the weighing attendant for recycling/C&D receipts.
If you use sub-contractors, you are still responsible for any materials they take away from the job-site. Make sure you inform your sub-contractors about your C&D recycling requirements. They must take materials to a recognized recycling facility and provide you with recycling receipts. That’s your recycling credit driving away in their truck!
The manner in which you collect and sort the C&D debris will determine what facility you can use for recycling. Visit RE:Source to find facility locations that will accept recycling material from mixed loads or separated loads of clean materials.
Recycling Receipt For Material(s) Received: Download a copy of this receipt if you are reusing material at a site that does not have weight tags.
Recycling Receipt Guide: Here are some examples of C&D receipts from facilities in Contra Costa County to help guide you and ensure that the your recycling is counted toward your diversion percentage.
Conversion Factors: Need help estimating the weight of material types for your projects converting from cubic yards to tons, or just want to get an idea of how much waste a project might generate? Use these conversion factors to help you out.
Republic Services is the only authorized hauler of waste for the City of Antioch. To set up recycling and garbage collection service or for more information click the link above or call (925) 685-4711.
If you have further questions about the Waste Management Plan Process or the City of Antioch’s C&D Recycling Ordinance that are not detailed on this page, please contact or call (925) 779-7065.