Public Safety and Community Resources Director
Tel: (925) 779-7082
The City of Antioch awards annual grants to nonprofit organizations delivering services that primarily benefit lower income residents and areas of the City. The funding for these grant currently consists of federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Housing Successor (State) and Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) funds, as well as other sources as available. The total of this funding for community grants varies from $2 million to $3 million annually. No grants are allowed to be given to individuals, but are awarded to nonprofit organizations with a federal 501 (c) 3 or similar status.
All funded programs and projects must meet a High priority need of the City as established in the current 5-year Consolidated Plan for 2020-25, which primarily assist the City’s most vulnerable residents.
Following are current High priorities for FY 2020-2025, and some of the types of services funded:
Within each 5-year Consolidated Planning period, the City conducts two grant application periods. The first period is for two years, and the second is for three years. Applications are solicited and those that are chosen for funding will receive either two or three years of funding as long as they are meeting their contractual obligations and are in good standing.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program – CDBG funds are awarded by the federal government through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The primary objective of this program is to help develop viable urban communities through the provision of decent housing, a suitable living environment, and economic opportunity, principally for low- and moderate-income persons.
The City of Antioch receives approximately $850,000 annually from HUD for CDBG grants. This funding is combined with the other sources to conduct the Community Grant processes to make grants to nonprofit agencies serving the City’s most vulnerable residents. The City also receives an allocation of HUD HOME funds, and has joined with the cities of Pittsburg, Concord, Walnut Creek, and the County to combine these funds to build more affordable housing for lower income renters. The Contra Costa HOME/CDBG Consortium works closely together to produce required federal planning documents, such as the 2020-25 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and the 2020-25 Contra Costa Consortium Consolidated Plan, which outlines how federal monies will be invested in the coming five-year period. These documents are submitted to HUD for approval prior to HUD’s allocation of funding to the City. You can find these documents below.
Housing Successor (HS) Funding – HS funds are reported to the State and follow State guidelines. Eligible projects for this source are those that prevent and address homelessness (maximum $250k can be awarded annually) and those that provide affordable housing programs. The City currently utilizes these funds for homeless programs, housing rehabilitation and grants for low-income homeowners, as well and down payment assistance for low income households purchasing a home in Antioch. Housing successor funds are combined with CDBG and other fund sources and applications are submitted together (agencies do not have to identify the type of funding for which they are applying.)
Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Funding – PLHA funds are distributed by the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to provide funding to local governments in California for housing-related projects and programs that assist in addressing the unmet housing needs of their local communities. Antioch has approved uses to provide some homeless services as well as construction of affordable housing and other housing programs.
To learn more about the Community Grants program, please see the Frequently Asked Questions below or contact the CDBG/Housing Consultant below.
Email CDBG & Housing Consultant
If you are interested in being notified of funding opportunities or need more information about the grant process, please email Teri House, CDBG/Housing Consultant to be added to the email notification list.
Job affected by the Covid-19 pandemic?
Need help understanding the City or County rent moratorium?
Are you being evicted illegally?
Are you renting an apartment that is unsafe or unsanitary?
Are you experiencing discrimination by a landlord or property management?
Or are you disabled and your landlord will not provide you with reasonable accommodations for your disability?
If you have a problem with your landlord, you don’t have to go through the headaches alone. Fair Housing and Tenant/Landlord services are provided to Antioch residents FREE OF CHARGE through Bay Area Legal Aid:
Bay Area Legal Aid and the City, by calling (925) 779-7017 or emailing
These services are funded with City of Antioch Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds
FAIR HOUSING services include: »» Investigating housing discrimination complaints; »» Counseling individuals/households regarding their rights, responsibilities and options; and »» Providing mediation, advocacy, and legal referrals.
TENANT-LANDLORD COUNSELING services include counseling on such issues as: »» Security deposit; »» Repairs; »» Understanding lease terms »» Eviction for non-payment of rent or alleged tenant misconduct; and »» Obtaining rent payment assistance including Section 8 vouchers.
Legal Advice and Representation is also provided free to qualifying lower income households by Bay Area Legal Aid, on such issues as: »» Eviction process and defenses; »» Illegal lockouts; »» Sheriff’s notices to vacate; and »» Section 8 terminations.
FY 2020-2025 Final Contra Costa Consortium Consolidated Plan (Entire Document)
20-21 Action Plan 20-21 CAPER Year End Report
21-22 Action Plan 21-22 CAPER Year End Report
22-23 Action Plan 22-23 CAPER Year End Report
23-24 Action Plan 23-24 CAPER Year End Report
24-25 Action Plan
Contra Costa Consortium Needs Assessment
Contra Costa Consortium Market Analysis
Contra Costa Consortium FY 2020/21 Action Plan
Contra Costa Consortium Appendix A – Citizen Participation and Public Comment
Contra Costa Consortium Appendix B – National Objectives and Matrix Codes
Contra Costa Consortium Appendix C – CoC/ESG Standards
Contra Costa Consortium Appendix D – Board Approval
Contra Costa Consortium Appendix E – Alternate Data Sources
Contra Costa Consortium Appendix F – Analysis of Impediments Actions and Timeline
Antioch Needs Assessment
Antioch Market Analysis
Antioch Strategic Plan
Antioch FY 2020/21 Action Plan
Antioch Appendix – Citizen Participation
Recipients of funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) have a duty to affirmatively further fair housing, by taking proactive steps to overcome housing discrimination and segregation. To help meet this requirement, Contra Costa County is working with the Cities of Antioch, Concord, Pittsburg, and Walnut Creek as well as the three Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) in Contra Costa County to conduct an Analysis of Impediments (AI).
The AI is a report that identifies fair housing issues in Contra Costa and the region, contributing factors to issues, and outlines goals and strategies to address issues. The fair housing analysis in the AI focuses on patterns of integration and segregation, racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty, disparities in access to opportunity, and disproportionate housing needs. Other components of the AI examine publicly supported housing, disability and access, fair housing enforcement, and demographics. The AI process involves an analysis of data provided by HUD, local data from the jurisdictions and PHAs, and feedback gathered from the community. The recommendations in the AI will be used to inform future policies in Contra Costa County that will promote fair housing choice and inclusive communities. We invite you to review this draft AI and submit comments.
Contra Costa Consortium Needs Assessment
Contra Costa Consortium Strategic Plan
Contra Costa Consortium Appendix A – Citizen Participation & Public Comment
Contra Costa Consortium Appendix B – Additional Tables
Contra Costa Consortium Appendix C – Areas of Minority Concentration
Contra Costa Consortium Appendix D – County Sub-regions Map
Contra Costa Consortium Appendix E – Tax Credit & HUD-Assisted Housing
Contra Costa Consortium Appendix F – Section 8 Voucher Concentration
Contra Costa Consortium Appendix G – Low & Very-Low Income Concentration
Contra Costa Consortium Appendix H – Unemployment Rates
Contra Costa Consortium Certification
City of Antioch
Antioch Strategic Plan
Antioch Appendix
Action Plan FY15-16 CAPER FY15-16
Action Plan FY16-17 CAPER FY16-17
Action Plan FY 17-18 CAPER FY17-18
Action Plan FY 18-19 CAPER FY18-19
Action Plan FY 19-20
Public Hearing Notice 4-8-2016 | |
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice 2010-15 | |
Citizen Participation Plan Revised 2011 (note: Covers the FY 2010-15 Consolidated Plan cycle, and also includes Language Assistance Plan and Residential Anti-Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan) | |
Neighborhood Stabilization Program current Quarterly Reports |
Teri House, CDBG/Housing Consultant
City of Antioch
Community Development Department
200 H Street, 2nd Floor
Antioch, CA 94509
Telephone – 925-779-7037
FAX – 925-779-7034
The City of Antioch provides grants to non-profit and governmental agencies to provide social service programs, infrastructure improvements and economic development programs through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. In fiscal year 2022 , the City’s CDBG allocation from HUD is $866,250.
Detail of all allocations and projects funded with CDBG funds can be found in the 2022-23 Action Plan under “Reports” above this page.
In order to receive annual allocations, jurisdictions must prepare and submit to HUD a variety of reports, all of which are advertised and available for public review. Following is a summary to help you locate the information you may be seeking:
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) – This document includes an analysis of local factors that may impact fair housing choice, identification of specific impediments to fair housing choice, and a plan to address those impediments. The AI is one of several ways in which Consortium member are fulfilling their obligation to affirmatively further fair housing, and assure equal access to services and programs it provides or assists.
5-Year Consolidated Plan – The Consolidated Plan is a detailed planning document that provides a needs assessment, describes the City’s non-housing community development needs, its housing needs and market conditions, sets out a five-year strategy identifying priorities and available resources and establishes a One-Year Action Plan that outlines intended uses of the resources. Extensive public outreach is conducted and input received in order to determine funding priorities for the five-year period. To view Antioch’s priorities for funding projects, please see Priority Needs Tables.
Annual Action Plans – Action Plans are subsidiary documents to the five-year Consolidated Plan and provide a summary of the federal CDBG and local funding available to fund actions, activities, and programs to address the priority needs and specific objectives identified in the Consolidated Plan. The Action Plan tells the public what activities have been chosen that year to address the needs (as identified in the ConPlan) of Antioch’s lower income residents and areas.
Annual Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Reports (CAPER) – The CAPER details the accomplishments of actions that were proposed in the Action Plan, including the number of people who received services.
The primary purpose of the CDBG program is to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities principally for persons of lower income. CDBG funds cannot be given to individuals directly. The City utilizes the CDBG program to improve the quality of life and physical conditions in its lower income areas, and to benefit lower income residents throughout Antioch by funding nonprofit and public agencies to provide services and improvements.
Federal funds are allocated annually to entitlement communities through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to carry out a wide range of community development activities that benefit lower income persons and households. In Contra Costa County, all HUD-funded activities are coordinated through the Contra Costa County CDBG/HOME Consortium (Consortium), which includes the cities of Antioch, Concord, Pittsburg, Walnut Creek, and the Urban County. Consortium members jointly prepare the five year Consolidated Plan, Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, and also coordinate and collaborate in the CDBG application process and monitoring practices.
Within each five year Consolidated Plan period, the Consortium conducts a two-year, then a three-year funding process. During this time, the Consortium members invite all federally recognized (501 (c) 3 nonprofit status mandatory) nonprofits to submit an applications for funding the HIGH priority needs established in the Consolidated Plan. A call for applications is advertised in the paper and sent widely to nonprofit agencies throughout the county and to persons on the Interested Parties List. All applications are submitted through an online application system.
Applications are evaluated for eligibility by staff. A CDBG Committee, consisting of two Antioch City Councilmembers, reviews all of the eligible applications, interviews the applicants, rates and ranks the applications and recommends funding levels. The entire City Council votes on the funding recommendations.
CDBG Program – 925-779-7037
CDBG Consultant – Teri House
Email:; Fax (925) 779-7034
City Offices: Third and “H” Streets, P.O. Box 5007 Antioch, CA 94531-5007