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Antioch Police

Contact Info

Emergency   911

Police Department
Tel: (925) 779-6900

Tel: (925) 778-2441 *9

Business & Lobby Hours
8 am – 5 pm Mon – Fri

Antioch Police Facility
300 L Street
Antioch, CA 94509

Joe Vigil
Acting Chief of Police
Captain Desmond Bittner
Support Services
Acting Captain Matt Koch
Field Services
Lieutenant Joe Njoroge
Field Services
Lieutenant Mellone
Professional Standards
Dispatch Supervisor Stacey Malsom
Support Services
Records Supervisor Amanda Nelson
Support Services

Internal Affairs Unit

Mission Statement

It shall be the policy of the Internal Affairs Unit to receive allegations from members of the public in a courteous and professional manner. Investigations shall be appropriately documented, promptly investigated, and conducted in a timely, legal, and ethical manner. The Internal Affairs Unit plays a crucial role in making the operations of the Antioch Police Department more transparent and accountable to the community we serve. A positive relationship between the police and the public we serve, fostered by confidence and trust is essential to effective law enforcement. The Internal Affairs Unit shall demonstrate sincere responsiveness to concerns of the public, and they will inform members of the public that their allegations or concerns will be taken seriously.

Complaint Process Information

All police departments in the State of California are required by law to have a process in which a citizen may make a complaint against police personnel. Any person can file a complaint against a member of the Antioch Police Department (APD). Each complaint must contain an allegation, an unproven accusation that a member of the Police Department violated department policy procedure, rules, regulations, or the law. The complaint may be filed with the Antioch Police Department’s Internal Affairs Unit (IA).

Information Regarding the APD’s Retaliation Policy

The Antioch Police Department believes in the right of all persons to report potential misconduct by Department members without fear of retaliation. Retaliation against any party to a complaint made to the Department or Internal Affairs Unit is prohibited. The Department will not tolerate retaliation.

Who can make a complaint, and who conducts the investigation?

A complaint may be made by anyone. If the complainant is under the age of 18, we request that the complainant be accompanied by a parent or guardian when coming to the Internal Affairs Unit. The Internal Affairs Unit and the Antioch Police Department will accept an allegation by phone, letter, e-mail, fax, anonymously, or in person. The complaint may be made filed at the Department or with the Department’s Internal Affairs Unit.   The investigation is conducted by the Antioch Police Department’s Internal Affairs Unit.

When can a complaint be made?

A complaint may be made 24 hours a day.  During normal business hours, the complaint may be submitted to the Antioch Police Department Internal Affairs Unit.  After normal business hours, the complaint may be made by contacting an on-duty Watch Commander through Police Dispatch at (925) 778-2441.

What happens after a complaint is filed?

Depending upon the level of investigation, the complainant and any witnesses will be interviewed in detail concerning the incident. Their statements will be documented in writing. The Internal Affairs Unit will collect evidence pertaining to the complaint. The Internal Affairs Unit will analyze all the information gathered and determine if the appropriate finding is reached on each allegation. The Internal Affairs Unit then submits the written investigation to the Unit Commander. The Unit Commander reviews the supervisor’s written investigation and approves of the findings in the allegation. Additionally, every allegation is reviewed by the Chief of Police. After the investigation is completed, a closing letter is sent to the complainant.

Will I have to testify if I make a complaint?

If an allegation is sustained and discipline is imposed, the Police Department employee may contest that action. If that happens, the complainant may be asked to testify.  If the investigation leads to the filing of a criminal complaint and the matter goes to trial, you may be required to testify in court.

What to expect?
The assigned investigator will contact you and inform you of receipt of the complaint. You may be asked to provide additional information and to be interviewed. All investigations must be completed within one year of the complaint being made. At the conclusion of the investigation you will be notified by mail of the outcome.

How is an allegation proven, what are the possible findings?

An allegation is sustained when the evidence indicates that it is more likely than not that a violation of the policy or procedure occurred; this standard of evidence is called the “preponderance of evidence.”  The available findings to an allegation include:

Unfounded: The investigation conclusively proved that the act or acts complained of did not occur, or the member named in the allegation was not involved in the act or acts, which may have occurred.

Exonerated: The act or acts, which provided the basis for the allegation or complaint occurred, however, the investigation revealed they were justified, lawful, and proper.

Not Sustained: The investigation failed to disclose sufficient evidence to clearly prove or disprove the allegation made in the complaint.

No Finding: The complainant failed to disclose promised information needed to further the investigation.

Complaint Withdrawn: The complainant affirmatively indicates the desire to withdraw his/her complaint.

Sustained: The investigation disclosed sufficient evidence to clearly prove the allegation made in the complaint.

If an allegation is sustained will discipline information be provided in the closing letter?

No, state law prohibits the release of this information.

How much time does it take to complete a case?

According to the Peace Officer Bill of Rights Government Code Section 3304, investigations into alleged police officer misconduct must be completed within one year of the received date.

You may also email an online citizen complaint regarding any behavior on the part of an employee of the Antioch Police Department that you feel was improper. Send an email to Sgt. Loren Bledsoe at ProfessionalStandards@antiochca.gov and include the following information:

  1. Your name, address (home and business), and phone numbers where we can call you
  2. Your date of birth, age, sex, and race
  3. Date and time of the event that you are filing a complaint about
  4. Name and badge number of the Police Department employee(s) involved, if you have them
  5. Vehicle number of the police vehicle involved, if you have it
  6. Description of the event; please give us as much detail as possible.
  7. The names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses to what happened

Compliments and Commendations

Everyone enjoys receiving recognition for their efforts and there is no question that most of the employees of the Antioch Police Department are doing an outstanding job in our growing city.

We realize that many of our residents and visitors to Antioch would like to know how to compliment our employees for a job well done.

Compliments and Commendations, either verbal or written, are one of the best ways to let our employees know that you appreciate their good work and extraordinary customer service. A commendation for an employee of the Antioch Police Department is most often sent to the Chief of Police. You may also advise the employee’s supervisor or a Watch Commander. Your compliments may be made in person, by phone, by email or fax, or through a letter or informal note to the Antioch Police Department.

A compliment or commendation may address any event that you feel demonstrates any effort on the part of the employee that deserves special recognition. This may include such acts as: unusual courtesy or compassion, significant life saving measures, or other extraordinary acts.

All compliments and commendations are formally documented and the affected employees and their supervisors will be notified.

If you have any further questions or require any assistance, please contact:
The Internal Affairs Unit
(925) 779-6945

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