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Antioch Police

Contact Info

Emergency   911

Police Department
Tel: (925) 779-6900

Tel: (925) 778-2441 *9

Business & Lobby Hours
8 am – 5 pm Mon – Fri

Antioch Police Facility
300 L Street
Antioch, CA 94509

Joe Vigil
Acting Chief of Police
Captain Desmond Bittner
Support Services
Acting Captain Matt Koch
Field Services
Lieutenant Joe Njoroge
Field Services
Lieutenant Mellone
Professional Standards
Dispatch Supervisor Stacey Malsom
Support Services
Records Supervisor Amanda Nelson
Support Services

Antioch Police Department Crime Statistics

City of Antioch 2025 Crime Statistics

Murder 1 1
Negligent Manslaughter 0 0
Justifiable Homicide 0 0
Rape 3 4
Robbery 16 11
Aggravated Assault 46 51
Burglary 36 27
Larceny 100 93
Motor Vehicle Theft 86 90
Arson 3 2
Simple Assault 111 83
Intimidation 16 8
Bribery 0 0
Counterfeiting / Forgery 2 2
Vandalism 45 43
Drug / Narcotic Violations 19 6
Drug Equipment Violations 13 9
Embezzlement 3 0
Extortion / Blackmail 0 0
Fraud 4 4
Gambling 0 0
Kidnapping 5 3
Pornography 1 1
Prostitution 0 0
Sodomy 1 3
Sexual Assault with an Object 1 0
Fondling 6 3
Incest 0 0
Statutory Rape 0 0
Stolen Property 16 3
Weapons Law Violations 19 21
Human Trafficking, Commercial Sex Acts 0 0
Human Trafficking, Involuntary Servitude 0 0
Animal Cruelty 1 0
Total Group A Offenses 554 468

*2025 crime data is based on unaudited RMS data at the time of report generation and is subject to change

Crime Statistics, Calls for Service & Arrest Data

Important Changes in Crime Reporting

Since its earliest days, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has collected national crime data.
Prior to 2021, California utilized the Summary Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) method, often referred to as “Part I & PART II Crimes”, to report crime statistics to the FBI. In 2018, it was determined by the US Department of Justice that the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) would replace UCR as the nationwide data collection method effective January 1, 2021. The implementation of NIBRS is expected to provide consistency throughout the U.S. for quantifying crime. It will also support the mission to generate reliable information to optimize law enforcement management, training, planning and research to strategically and effectively reduce crime.

What are the Differences Between UCR and NIBRS?

It is important to highlight the differences between UCR and NIBRS, as the Antioch Police Department’s crime statistics will change as a result of this new reporting method.


  • Consists of monthly aggregate crime counts for 8 Index Crimes
  • Records one offense per incident as determined by hierarchy rule
  • Hierarchy rule suppresses counts of lesser offenses in multiple-offense incidents
  • Does not distinguish between attempted and completed crimes
  • Collects weapon information for murder, robbery, and aggravated assault
  • Provides counts on arrests for the 8 Index crimes and 21 other offenses


  • NIBRS collects data about victims, known offenders and relationships for offenses reported in 23 categories with 52 offenses. It also presents arrest data for those crimes, as well as 10 additional categories for which only arrest data is collected
  • Records each offense occurring in an incident
  • Distinguishes between attempted and completed crimes
  • Restructures definition of assault
  • Collects weapon information for all violent offenses

In short, NIBRS is capable of producing more detailed, accurate, and meaningful data because data is collected about when and where crime takes place, what form it takes, and the characteristics of its victims and perpetrators.

What Categories and Offenses are Captured Through NIBRS?


Assault Offenses

  • Aggravated Assault
  • Simple Assault
  • Intimidation

Burglary/Breaking & Entering

Drug/Narcotic Violations
Drug Equipment Violations
Fraud Offenses

  • False Pretenses/Swindle
  • Credit/Debit Card Fraud
  • Impersonation
  • Welfare Fraud
  • Wire Fraud
  • Identity Theft
  • Hacking/Computer Invasion
Gambling Offenses
  • Betting/Wagering
  • Operating/Promoting/
    Assisting Gambling
  • Gambling Equipment Violations
  • Sports Tampering

Homicide Offenses

  • Murder and Nonnegligent


  • Negligent Manslaughter
  • Justifiable Homicide (not a crime)

Human Trafficking Offenses

  • Commercial Sex Acts
  • Involuntary Servitude

Larceny/Theft Offenses

  • Pocket-Picking/Purse Snatching
  • Shoplifting
  • Theft from Building
  • Theft from Coin-Operated Machine
  • Theft from Motor Vehicle
  • Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts
  • All Other Larceny

Motor Vehicle Theft
Pornography/Obscene Material
Prostitution Offenses

  • Prostitution
  • Assisting or Promoting


  • Purchasing Prostitution

Sex Offenses

  • Rape/Sodomy
  • Sexual Assault with an Object
  • Fondling

Stolen Property Offenses
Weapon Law Violations
Animal Cruelty

Bad Checks
Disorderly Conduct
Driving Under the Influence
Family Offenses (nonviolent)
Liquor Law Violations
Peeping Tom
Trespass of Real Property
All Other Offenses

When did the Transition to NIBRS Take Place?

The Antioch Police Department (APD) transitioned to a new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Records Management System (RMS) on December 1, 2021, to facilitate the transition to NIBRS.

APD began submitting NIBRS data to the California Department of Justice in February 2022. Once a NIBRS report is submitted to the DOJ, the data goes through an extensive compliance and validation process to check for errors such as incomplete or unfilled mandatory fields, ensuring proper coding of offenses, and reviewing high-level data accuracy. Law enforcement agencies are required to submit three (3) separate monthly crime report submissions, with a 4% or less margin of error, in order to achieve NIBRS certification. APD achieved certification in June 2022 through the California Department of Justice.

What Changes Should Residents Expect as a Result of this Change?

These changes will bring improved detail and a more transparent approach to crime reporting for the public. It will also make comparing crime statistics between communities more meaningful by ensuring consistency throughout the U.S. The availability of NIBRS data is also an opportunity for law enforcement to improve the way data is used to measure agency workload, outcomes and performance.

The perception may be that the City of Antioch’s lower-level crime statistics have increased. This change in reporting is not expected to reflect an actual increase in crime, but rather a change in the way crimes will be reported.

Examples of incidents of crime and how they are reported under each system:

Crime How the Item Would be Reported Under UCR How the Item Will be Reported in NIBRS
A bank robbery followed by a vehicle pursuit and a hit and run collision Robbery Robbery
Vehicle pursuit
Hit and run collision
A domestic violence incident in which a phone is vandalized and a purse is stolen Domestic Violence Domestic violence
A kidnapping followed by a vehicle theft Kidnapping Kidnapping
Vehicle theft

NIBRS crime data are electronically reported at the conclusion of the last day each month. The NIBRS data are collected from the offenses and associated details contained in a police report, therefore the NIBRS data is not submitted until the police report is completed and has gone through the audit and approval process. The progression from responding to an incident to submitting NIBRS data involves numerous steps and, depending on the extent of the investigation, can take a significant amount of time.


nibrs workflow 800

**To provide crime stat data to the public as expeditiously as possible, the crime stats presented on this page are based on UNAUDITED RMS data gathered from police reports throughout all steps of the report writing process and are therefore subject to change until Records Audit and NIBRS validation is complete.**

Crime stats for police reports submitted to NIBRS are tallied based on the date of incident occurrence. For example, if a crime was reported to APD in January, but the comprehensive investigation and report approval process did not conclude until March, the data would not be submitted to the CA DOJ/NIBRS until the end of March submission period. Once the March NIBRS submission is accepted, the crime stat data from January would be adjusted to include the newly submitted offense. Thus, NIBRS crime stat data is fluid and subject to change as additional NIBRS information is provided to the DOJ. The annual crime data is not static until all the police reports for the year have been audited, submitted, and validated by NIBRS.

This is Fascinating- Where can I Learn More?

Additional information on NIBRS and what data elements are collected during the NIBRS reporting process can be found at https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/ucr/nibrs.

Additional Police Statistics

Statistical Category 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Total Arrests (Index plus all other crimes, adult and juvenile) 4,302 4,957 4,821 4,583 4,117 3,517 3,387 2,688 1,483 1,141 1,261
Police Reports 14,593 15,009 15,667 15,681 14,639 14,154 12,913 12,359 9,446 9,915 11,704
Calls for Service 80,404 83,496 87,285 89,652 88,123 94,670 92,550 89,016 79,816 73,523 78,010
Police Officer Initiated Activity 9,801 12,648 17,078 18,764 17,593 21,871 26,371 23,396 17,029 24,349 9,329
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