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For more information about how to connect with homeless services in Contra Costa County, click here: https://cchealth.org/h3/coc/help.php

The 2021 Annual Report for the Contra Costa Continuum of Care provides the most complete information about homelessness in Contra Costa. You can see the full report and a 2 page Executive Summary here: https://cchealth.org/h3/coc/reports.php#Annual.

The Health, Housing and Homeless Services Division (H3) integrates housing and homeless services across our health system; coordinates housing and homeless services across County government and in the community. As the Administrative Entity for the Homeless Continuum of Care (CoC), H3 works with key partners such as the Employment and Human Services Department, the Housing Authority, school districts, housing providers, law enforcement and cities – as well as the Council on Homelessness and the Continuum of Care – to develop innovative and community specific policies and strategies to address the needs of persons experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity as a key determinant of health.

The Council on Homelessness is the governing body for the Contra Costa CoC and advisory body to the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors.  The Council is compliant with federal and state regulations and is the planning body that coordinates the community’s policies, strategies, and activities toward preventing and ending homelessness in Contra Costa County. It has diverse representation of various nonprofits, city and county government departments, consumers, faith leaders, law enforcement and other interested parties.  For more information about Council on Homelessness meetings, click here: https://cchealth.org/h3/coc/council.php

For more resources, visit the H3 page: https://cchealth.org/h3/

Contact Info

Christy Saxton, Director of H3:
(925) 608-6700

Jamie Schecter, H3 CoC Director:
(925) 608-600

Shelby Ferguson, H3 Coordinated Entry System Manager:
(925) 608-6702

Jaime Jenett, H3 Community Engagement Specialist:
(925) 608-6716

The Contra Costa Homeless Continuum of Care (CoC) is the planning body for Contra Costa County that coordinates housing and services funding for homeless families and individuals. The CoC coordinates applications and submits a single grant application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development annually to access federal resources to provide homeless services, housing and supportive housing.  These efforts bring in approximately $15 million annually to support homeless housing and  services.

CoC Training

Click HERE for the 14 minute “CoC 101 Training” video.

Workplan. The above groups and community develop and work from a 10-year plan to end homelessness that is based on the federal plan on homelessness. Annual strategies are developed, and the most recent diagram of that strategy for the current time period is below:

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