Do not make an online/electronic payment with your financial institution or via the website; payments there will NOT avoid disconnect, reactivate or reconnect water service. After your EXTENSION AND DISCONNECTION NOTICE due date has passed, payments MUST be made in person or via the telephone with a Customer Service Representative directly, by the water account holder only-in GUARANTEED FUNDS only-NO CHECKS.
If payment is not received as indicated on your EXTENSION AND DISCONNECTION notice, your account will be charged a required processing service charge of $28.00 and will be considered suspended and scheduled for disconnection.
If water service is disconnected an additional disconnection service charge of $105.00 will also be required.
A minimum deposit of $300 may also be required.
If water service is already off at the property you must make sure the house and irrigation shut off valves are in the OFF position for service restoration.
All service requests are scheduled for the next business day. To obtain same day service, a same day service fee of $154.00 will be required.
Any tampering of the water meter will be charged a minimum tamper fee of $250.00.