Landlord retaliation falls under actions taken by a landlord in response to a tenant exercising their
legal rights.

Most states include the following acts of retaliation:

    • Increasing rent
    • Refusing rent, or claiming it wasn’t received
    • Terminating a lease
    • Evicting a tenant
    • Pursuing eviction if a tenant stays to fight against retaliation
    • Decreasing housing services or access to amenities
    • Taking away pool, laundry, common area, and/or reducing living space without legal cause
    • Refuse to renew your lease/rental agreement
    • Shutting off amenities for a self-help eviction

Housing Services:  All amenities, and services related to the use of occupancy of a rental unit and common areas that are provided by the landlord, including a proportionate part of services provided to common facilities of the building and property in which the rental unit is contained.

Housing Services also includes those basic housing services required by California Warranty of Habitability Law (Civil Code §1941.1).

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