Accessory Dwelling Units

An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a complete, independent residential dwelling that is located on a lot with a proposed or existing residence or multifamily residences in a zoning district that allows single and multifamily uses. ADUs are sometimes also called granny units or second units.

Another type of ADU is a Junior ADU (JADU), which is a small unit (500 square feet or less in size) created from a portion of a single-family dwelling. These units can have their own bathrooms or share with the main residence. An efficiency kitchen is required.

Recent changes to California law have relaxed zoning standards for ADUs throughout the state.  The ADU Summary Table, below, provides information on the zoning standards and regulations including setbacks, maximum square footages, and height limits.

For questions regarding setbacks, height limits, square footages, etc. please contact

For applications and inquiries about the permit processes, please contact

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