Antioch City Hall, Office of the City Clerk
200 “H” Street
Antioch, CA 94509
Mailing Address
The City Clerk of the City of Antioch,
P.O. Box 5007, Antioch, CA 94531-5007
(925) 779-7009
The City Clerk is the official keeper of the municipal records and is sometimes referred to as the historian of the community. City Clerk responsibilities include:
Communications directed to the City, its legislative bodies, and their members (i.e., City Council, Planning Commission) or City staff are public records and are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act and Brown Act unless exempt from disclosure under the applicable law.
Melissa Rhodes
City Clerk | Email
Contact the Antioch City Clerk’s Office Team
City Clerk and Elections Official (elected): Melissa Rhodes
Assistant City Clerk (staff): Christina Garcia, CMC
Administrative Analyst I (staff): Vanessa Rosales, CMC, CPMC
Administrative Analyst I (staff): Vincent Manuel
The Antioch City Clerk’s Office is under the Administration Department, and has split duties based on it’s organizational structure. A City Clerk is elected to a 4-year term and serves as the City’s elections official. The elected City Clerk also oversees ceremonial duties, and is the Secretary to the Board of Administrative Appeals. The Deputy City Clerk oversees the day to day operations of the City Clerk’s Office, including the management of any full or part time staff. The Deputy City Clerk is responsible for ensuring the City of Antioch is in compliance with all mandated noticing requirements and management of records. These functions of the Clerk’s Office are overseen by the Director of Administrative Services.
The elected Clerk and Deputy Clerk work in partnership to oversee the varying roles and responsibilities the Office of the City Clerk has to Antioch residents. To see a list of the Clerk’s Office duties, go here.
If you have received a citation from the City of Antioch, Public Works Department, and would like to file an appeal, please email
You may access the Agenda and accompanying staff reports for City Council meetings:
To review past agendas and meeting minutes:
This agenda is a summary of the actions proposed to be taken by the City Council. For almost every agenda item, materials have been prepared by the City staff for the Council’s consideration. These materials include staff reports which explain in detail the item before the Council and the reason for the recommendation. The materials may also include resolutions or ordinances which are proposed to be adopted. Other materials, such as maps and diagrams, may also be included. City Council Agendas, including Staff Reports are posted onto our City’s Website 72 hours before each Council Meeting. To be notified when the agenda packets are posted onto our City’s Website, simply click on this link: and enter your e-mail address to subscribe. To view the agenda information, click on the following link: Questions may be directed to the staff member who prepared the staff report, or to the City Clerk’s Office, who will refer you to the appropriate person.
The public can address the City Council on each agenda item. No one may speak more than once on an agenda item or during “Public Comments.” Members of the public wishing to provide public comments, may do so the following ways:
Speakers will be notified shortly before they are called to speak at the council meeting. When you are called to speak, please limit your comments to the time allotted (up to 3 minutes, at the discretion of the Mayor).
Please note: Written public comments received by 3:00 p.m. the day of the City Council Meeting will be shared with the City Council before the meeting, entered into the public record, retained on file by the City Clerk s Office, and available to the public upon request. Written public comments will not be read during the City Council Meeting.
City of Antioch Public Records Request Form
(California Public Records Act, Government code Section 6250 et. seq.)
The City of Antioch encourages residents to become involved in their local community. One way to do so is to serve in an advisory capacity on one of the various commissions, boards, and committees. Any interested resident is encouraged to apply. When a vacancy occurs, all applications for that board or commission are received by the City Clerk and forwarded to the mayor and respective department support after the deadline to set up interviews. Only the Mayor can nominate candidates for boards, commissions, and committees; but they must be approved by a majority vote of the Council to be appointed. All appointees must be administered the Oath of Office. The following is a brief summary of the commissions, boards, and committees filled by volunteer citizens.
Board of Administrative Appeals: The Board hears administrative appeals dealing with Municipal Code violations, dangerous dogs and occasionally appeals of disciplinary action, or alleged violations of the Personnel Rules.
Economic Development Commission: The EDC’s function is to address economic development issues within the City and make recommendations to the City Council and staff regarding policies, regulations, marketing, development strategies and planning activities designed to enhance the City’s economic base and create quality jobs.
Parks and Recreation Commission: The Park and Recreation Commissioners serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council in matters pertaining to parks and recreation policy. They also survey current and future recreation and park needs of the community to provide sound, year-round programs for all ages.
Planning Commission: The Planning Commission makes decisions and recommendations to the City Council on land use, zoning, General Plan issues and reviews site plans, architectural design, signs or other exterior design features of new and remodeled buildings.
Police Crime Prevention Commission: The Police Crime Prevention Commission makes recommendations to the City Council relative to crime prevention programs, which might be initiated to help the Police Department and citizens toward a safer community, including the Neighborhood Watch Program.
Sales Tax Citizens’ Oversight Committee: The Sales Tax Citizens’ Oversight Committee reviews the receipts and expenditures from the Measure C transactions and use tax, including the annual auditor’s report. The Committee will annually report on its review to be considered by the City Council at a public meeting as part of the City’s budget process and the report should indicate how the funds are being used to address the City Council’s currently stated priorities of public safety and code enforcement.
Oversight Board to the Successor Agency to the Antioch Development Agency: The Oversight Board to the Successor Agency to the Antioch Development Agency was established pursuant to ABx 1-26, which dissolved redevelopment agencies effective February 1, 2012. The Oversight Board supervises the activities of the Successor Agency and has a fiduciary responsibility to holders of enforceable obligations of the taxing entities that benefit from distributions of property tax. Actions of the Oversight Board are reviewed by the State Department of Finance.
Antioch Appointments to County Boards: The City Council appoints an Antioch resident to the Contra Costa Library Commission, Contra Costa Transportation Authority Citizen Advisory Committee and to the Contra Costa County Mosquito & Vector Control Board who serve 4-year terms.
For more information:
As an Elections Official, the City Clerk administers Federal, State, and Local procedures through which local government representatives are selected. The City Clerk assists candidates in meeting their legal responsibilities before, during and after an election. From Election pre-planning to certification of election results and filing of final campaign disclosure documents, the City Clerk manages the process which forms the foundation of our democratic system of government.
As a Legislative Administrator, the City Clerk plays a critical role in the decision-making process of the local legislature. As the key staff for City Council meetings, the City Clerk prepares the legislative Agenda, verifies legal notices have been posted or published, and completes the necessary arrangements to ensure an effective meeting. The City Clerk is entrusted with the responsibility of recording the decisions which constitute the building blocks of our representative government.
As a Records Manager, the City Clerk oversees yet another legislative process; the preservation and protection of the public record. By statute, the City Clerk is required to maintain and index the Minutes, Ordinances, and Resolutions adopted by the legislative body. The City Clerk also ensures that other municipal records are readily accessible to the public. The public record under the conservatorship of the City Clerk provides fundamental integrity to the structure of our democracy.
(Information from:
Legislative matters are often discussed by a standing Council Committee prior to placement on the City Council Docket. There are eight several standing City Council Committees, with Councilmembers serving on each. Each committee focuses on a different subject area as reflected by their names. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Committee, Lone Tree Golf Course Committee, City/School Committee, Cannabis Committee, Waterfront Revitalization Committee.
The City Council also serves on the following: Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG); Chamber of Commerce Liaison; Community Advisory Board- SF Bay Water Emergency Transit Authority; Delta Diablo; East Bay Division
(League of California Cities); TRANSPLAN; East Contra Costa Regional Fee and Financing Authority (ECCRFA); State Route 4 By-Pass Authority; East County Water Management Association; Tri Delta Board of Directors Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority; Northeast Antioch Annexation; Mayors’ Conference
To view City Council Committee agendas, actions and any relevant information about each City Council Committee please visit:
The City Clerk is the local official for elections, local legislation, the Public Records Act, the Political Reform Act, and the Brown Act (open meeting laws). Before and after the City Council takes action, the City Clerk ensures that actions are in compliance with all federal, state, and local statutes and regulations and that all actions are properly executed, recorded, and archived.
The statutes of the State of California prescribe the basic functions and duties of the City Clerk, and the Government Code and Election Code provide precise and specific responsibilities and procedures to follow.
The Office of the City Clerk is a service department within the municipal government upon which the City Council, all City departments, and the general public rely for information regarding the operations and legislative history of the City. The City Clerk serves as the liaison between the public and City Council and provides related municipal services.
(Information from:
Council meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month: You can attend in-person in Council Chambers at 200 ‘H’ Street Antioch, CA 94531. Meetings are also televised live on Comcast channel 24, AT&T U-verse channel 99, or live stream (at Please see inside cover for detailed Speaker Rules.
Live and archived video of Council meetings and Council Committee meetings (date-availability varies by committee) can be viewed by emailing a request to
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and California law, it is the policy of the City of Antioch to offer its public programs, services and meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and require information or materials in an appropriate alternative format; or if you require any other accommodation, please contact the ADA Coordinator at the number or address below at least 72 hours prior to the meeting or when you desire to receive services. Advance notification within this guideline will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. The City’s ADA Coordinator can be reached @ Phone: (925) 779-6950, and e-mail: