There are a few resources that you will want to look at to assist you in picking a new plan; download the Health Benefit Summary and 2025 Benefits Worksheet for your Bargaining Unit by clicking here.

  1. Determine which plans are available in your County. Check pages 6-7 of the Health Benefit Summary to determine which plans are available in your County. For example, the plans available in Contra Costa County are: Anthem HMO Select, Anthem HMO Traditional, Blue Shield Access , Blue Shield Trio, Kaiser, PERS Gold, and PERS Choice, PORAC, UnitedHealthcare SignatureValue Alliance, and Harmony.
  2. Determine which plan(s) cover your physician/group/hospital.If you have a specific physician, hospital, or group that you would like to keep, this may limit the number of plans available to you. Use the websites and numbers on page 14 of the Health Benefit Summary to check which groups, physicians and hospitals are in each plans network. If you need assistance contact Human Resources at
  3. Compare the plans available to you.If your physician/hospital/group are covered by multiple plans use pages 16 – 23 of the Health Benefit Summary to compare the coverage by each plan. HMOs are listed in blue and PPOs are listed in orange.
  4. Compare the monthly premium for plans available to you and the copayments.
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