If your property was booked as evidence, it cannot be released until the case is adjudicated with the Contra Costa Superior Court (with exception of a court order), or the assigned Detective allows for the release.

Penal Code Section 1536 requires a court order for the release of property held by a search warrant.

When a case involves asset forfeiture, both the civil and criminal cases must be complete. Before release of the property, the Antioch Police Department must receive an Asset Forfeiture Property Release Form from the Asset Forfeiture District Attorney.

Evidence will be held until it is no longer needed for the prosecution of the case plus an additional 180 days. Some instances require us to maintain control of the evidence for as long as the person is incarcerated or until the person is deceased. We have no desire to keep property any longer than we legally are obligated to. We try to have victim’s and defendant’s property ready for release as quickly as the case allows.

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